Now offering two course options to choose from!
#1: Time Zone friendly! Weekend live virtual weekly classes via Zoom.
(Sundays 12:00p PT)
#2: Self-paced curriculum with recorded videos and optional live check-ins.
(Start when you're ready!)
*** Please click on "My Classes" for information. ***
We are the proud parents of three "Bradley" babies. (#1 was our high-risk hospital birth. #2 was an almost-born-in-the-car-on-the-way-to-the-birth-center birth. #3 was our born-at-home-with-Daddy-catching birth.) We have experienced how well this method works and hope to share this valuable information with you!
We've been certified Bradley Method® instructors since 2003. As a doula, Gabrielle has attended over 180 births in home, birth center, and hospital settings.
It's been said that a woman will always remember her birth and how she was made to feel during her birthing experience. Birth can be empowering, rewarding and dare-I-say "fun"! We want to help you create positive memories of this life-changing event that are not clouded by fear and trauma.
Not sure if The Bradley Method
® is for you? What makes Bradley different from other childbirth classes offered in the area? Feel free to call and talk with us!
Bradley Certified Doula services are also available in the greater Sacramento / Solano areas. Labor and birth support includes the full Bradley Method class series, prenatal and postpartum home visits, meeting you at home in labor and working together until it is time to transfer to the hospital (or your homebirth midwife joins us). I follow in my own car and we park together at the hospital. I act as your advocate, liaison with staff, and your ‘walking encyclopedia’ of options while continuing to provide support, suggestions, and guidance as the protector of your birthing space. We stay together through triage, assignment to the L&D room, the birth, and the transfer to your postpartum room (usually 2-hours after the birth). The option of High-Def digital photos and video is available.