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Affiliated Instructor 2025

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Course Content

Though every class has a specific topic which is covered in detail, each class will also cover nutrition, exercise, positive communication, and coaching. A different relaxation technique will be demonstrated and assigned for practice each week. Classes may also feature a video presentation.

Class 1. Introduction to The Bradley Method®

This class deals with the history of The Bradley Method®, its philosophy and goals. It is a time to get to know us and the members of your class. During this class, we will begin to study things you can do to keep yourself healthy and low risk during pregnancy. We will introduce important pregnancy exercises and we will lead discussion of how to handle pain and give a lesson in how to avoid unnecessary pain in labor.
Class 2. Nutrition in Pregnancy

The primary focus of this class is on nutrition. We will discuss good nutrition during pregnancy so that you will understand which nutrients are important and what quantities are necessary. We will help you to evaluate your diet and suggest ways to improve it if necessary. We will also review the pregnancy exercises and discuss: sex during pregnancy, breastfeeding and continue studying what you can do to stay healthy and low risk during pregnancy.
Class 3. Pregnancy

During this class, we will discuss the many changes your body goes through during pregnancy. We will focus on anatomy and physiology as well as common discomforts and how to handle them naturally. This is helpful for the coach as it makes him more aware and therefore more understanding of these changes. We will also begin to discuss some of the many choices you face regarding labor and birth.
Class 4. The Coach's Role

This is the first of two classes that focus on pregnancy and childbirth from the coach's point of view. In this session we will discuss: coaching during pregnancy, the importance of natural childbirth, bonding, and the father's role in breastfeeding. We will conclude our study on staying low risk during pregnancy and discuss drugs, myths and birthing.
Class 5. Introduction to First Stage Labor

This class is on how your body works in first stage labor. We will cover anatomy and physiology of first stage, stressing our respect for the natural process and examining the built-in safeguards for you and your baby. We will teach basic coaching techniques and instruct you on how to practice together. Standard hospital admitting and prepping procedures will also be covered.
Class 6. Introduction to Second Stage Labor

This class is on how your body works in the second stage of labor. We will cover the anatomy and physiology of second stage labor stressing our respect for the natural process and examining the built-in safeguards for you and your baby. We will discuss the importance of the natural alignment plateau and the fetal Heimlich maneuver. Basic pushing techniques and second stage positions, as well as the coach's role, will be covered. Third stage will also be discussed briefly.
Class 7. Planning Your Birth

Class seven covers consumer information and how to make a birth plan. We discuss: what your choices are, the importance of evaluating your feelings and listing your priorities, and meeting with your medical team to discuss your choices in a positive way. There is also a first stage labor rehearsal in this class.
Class 8. Variations and Complications / Postpartum Preparation

This class covers two units of information. We cover various complications including cesarean surgery discussing: how to avoid these problems if possible, how to evaluate whether it is necessary to intervene, and how to handle interventions that become necessary. We also cover information on taking care of yourself after your baby is born.
Class 9. Advanced First Stage Techniques

This class is filled with advanced coaching techniques dealing directly with the challenge of handling first stage labor. We will go over the First Stage Study Guide so that you can be sure you are well-prepared. We will also have a labor rehearsal and do some role playing.
Class 10. Advanced Second Stage Techniques

This class begins with an advanced labor rehearsal which helps to pull together all of the information you have learned so far. We will also cover the Second Stage Study Guide to be sure that you fully understand and are prepared to handle the second stage of labor.
Class 11. Being a Great Coach / Are You Ready?

At this point we will go over the B.E.S.T. techniques for labor and birth as a comprehensive review of the most important points you will use while in labor. This class also covers information for coaches on how to handle the challenges they will face in labor. Emergency childbirth will be discussed, just-in-case the baby comes before you get where you're going. We will also participate in an intriguing discussion on the theory of "what is labor" and why it is so different for each woman and even for each pregnancy.
Class 12. Preparing for Your New Family

The last of our twelve week series begins with an advanced labor rehearsal. Next we will discuss the concluding chapter in your student workbook which is titled "Your Labor and Birth". We will also cover: newborn care, mothering, fathering, breastfeeding, how to handle a crying baby, and adjusting to the many changes you will face during this time.
CONRAD, ANDREA & KEVIN AAHCC<br />Affiliated Instructor
For More Info
(317) 716-7787

Area Served:

Series Schedule (Start Dates)
Thursday, April 3, 20256:30 PM
Thursday, June 19, 20256:30 PM
Thursday, September 18, 20256:30 PM

The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth standard series is designed for small classes with lots of individual attention. The standard length of the classes is 12 weeks covering 12 units of instruction. The Official Student Workbook is supplied to every couple attending classes. It is 130 pages with over 75 pictures and illustrations. A Coach Card is also included. Your local instructor in The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth is an independent affiliated instructor. Some classes are video enriched and offer a Certificate of Congratulations.

This website contains information about my classes and is not the official website of The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth. The views contained on this website do not necessarily reflect those of The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth or the American Academy of Husband-Coached Childbirth™.

This icon indicates that this teacher attended one of our Advanced Seminars and has up-to-date information and additional training.

For the protection of the public, the terms, “The Bradley Method” and “American Academy of Husband-Coached Childbirth” are Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Only those teachers currently affiliated with the Academy may teach The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth.

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