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Affiliated Instructor 2024

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Description automatically generated with medium confidenceThanks for coming to our schedule page. 

The schedule for our current and tentative series is below, subject to change depending on student needs and due dates. Please email (or call) for details, most up-to-date schedule/class options and available discounts. We accommodate your circumstances, calendar schedule permitting.

We teach our classes in-person and live online for those who prefer to take distant classes! 

Send us an email or call and include 

  • your due date 
  • your availability- a series we have listed below or other___ (we prefer Sat & Sunday eves but as available, sometimes weeknights or by appointment)

    We are offering live classes online (since March 21, 2020.) We can teach anyone whom would like to join us.
  • Possible locations for in-person classes: Shelton or your location
  • any other considerations/questions.
  • Including "Bradley Class info" or similar in the subject is helpful.

Please allow a few business days for a full response unless you indicate need to join a class right away.

On this page:

Ideal time to register and pay your deposit for our series*: 2 or more weeks before the start of the class. Try to take a series that starts 12 or more weeks before your due date. Other needs/options can be discussed privately when you contact us. We recommend at least 16 hours class time plus homework.

*A standard Bradley series is 12 weekly lessons. You may wonder why. It was not always so. Dr. Bradley's classes were 8 lessons. When we took our classes, it was 10. You can read the rationale on the AAHCC tab, "Why 12 Classes." which is provided by our parent org, AAHCC and is their rationale. Most of our students have a minimum of 12 weeks to practice and prepare before the due date, though they may not have time for 12 classes. It is nearly impossible to teach 12 consecutive classes in 12 weekends too, because of holidays and special events. We know, and we do what we can to help everyone who wants the best possible birth.

We know some of you can't attend 12 traditional weekly classes. Reach out to us. You don't have to miss out. We can still help you have the best possible birth!

After registration and deposit is received, you will get a detailed email that includes homework to read before the first class. Try to allow at least 3 weeks between end of series and your anticipated due date. Earlier is fine. You can always attend extra classes from an ongoing series until your due date if you start earlier. Late registrations may be accepted; contact us for more info.

Since our schedules are fluid based on demand and due dates, contact us for the most up to date schedule info.




Contact Nancy about all options available; series schedules can often be adjusted and a series can be added if our schedule permits.

#132 Group series Sundays, 6-9  pm for Mar/Apr due dates

Serieszhas ended. .

#133   live online and in person Sunday eves for mid July+  due dates

Series is in progress

(Tentative #134) live online and in person group or private series for Aug/Sept+ due dates, Saturday or Sunday evenings 6-9 pm or possibly other time slot.

Tentative series beginning soon; contact us for details

 (Tentative #135) live online and in person Private or group series for late Oct/Nov/Dec due dates, Saturday or Sunday evenings 6-9 pm or possibly other time slot.

 Contact us regarding your due date and location, etc. so I can plan the next series or two. (Our goal is to avoid teaching live classes from Dec. 11 to Jan 4.)

 (Tentative #136) live online and in person Private or group series for Dec/Jan+ due dates, Sat or Sun evenings or 6-9 pm or other time slot.

Contact us regarding your due date and location, etc. so I can plan the next series or two.



When is your due date? Do you have a preference for location and day of week? 
We'll see what we can work out with you if it is not already scheduled.

Future series are scheduled based on needs of the community…
Let us know your due date and location so we can schedule accordingly.

When our schedule permits, we offer customized, private and/or non-standard series when your circumstances
prevent you from attending a standard group series and our schedule is free to do so.


 Another baby? Short on time? Need to make-up classes to catch up? Got an irregular work schedule or interested in hosting a series? Email or call to discuss. CONTACT US NOW TO PENCIL IN YOUR SCHEDULING NEEDS.


Our lessons are ideal for couples preparing for a vbac. If you desire a doula, I can provide references for doulas experienced with Bradley couples. Rest assured, the expectant dads and others who attend our classes are well prepared to as their partner's doulo (labor support.) That is a major distinctive of the Bradley Method®.



Our classes are adapted to work around holidays and other disruptions, so allow extra time if your series coincides with holidays or winter weather.

If you would like to host a group series in your home (especially outside of greater Bridgeport/ Fairfield) and there is at least one other couple who enrolls and your home is within a reasonable distance from our regular class location, we will do a group series. Otherwise, it will be a private series which is a different cost. Contact us for more information. (Go to top of page)

Running out of time? Due date creeping up on you?

If we do not list a class that suits your due date and you contact us soon enough, we may be able to work something out for your particular needs or will refer you to another instructor. Our goal is for you to be well prepared for your birth, and we will do our reasonable best to accommodate you as our schedule permits. .  (Go to top of page)

George & I teach about the natural process of birth and share time-proven, evidenced based information on how to avoid unnecessary pain, natural ways to handle contractions and many other topics with the official Bradley the official worktext and supplemental resources.  

Click above, Course Content for details of Bradley class content.

Research (Listening to Mothers at has shown that continual support in labor results in shorter labor, more satisfaction and less interventions. Your support person or coach, usually the baby's father, your "doulo," learns and practices how to provide continual support in labor and how to be your advocate during pregnancy, labor and birth. 

You are welcome to bring a doula and/or additional labor support person to our classes also. There is no additional charge for your labor supports to attend.

Standard group classes are typically up to 3 hours long (24 hours class and self-study time.) 

Homework involves some self-study and provides class prep and review, maximizing class time for discussion and practice. (The official worktext is not intended to cover all content presented in class.)

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1. Live online, serving all areas. Times stated are eastern standard time. 

         Conventional in person classes:
2. Shelton, convenient to get to Rts 110, 15, 8, 34

3. Student's home or other free location they provide.

We will consider other locations in the greater Bridgeport/New Haven area for our classes. Requirements: a free or very low cost room with seating and/or floor space for up to 5 or 6 couples and a nearby restroom and adequate parking. (free parking preferred)

We occasionally can teach off-site for group and private series. If you would like to host a series or arrange a free location, contact us. We reserve the right to cancel a series if enrollment is less than three couples. Depending on distance, tuition may be adjusted. Contact us for more information. (Go to top of page)

Please email or call for our tuition rate. The cost is reasonable and comparable to other Bradley classes in the state, but we are not permitted to post our rates at this website per AAHCC's requirements. We are able to keep cost down because we have free locations to meet.

Note: Differences in cost regionally for Bradley classes are determined by the individual instructor and do not reflect on the quality of the lessons. Bradley class size is smaller and far more comprehensive than cheap hospital crash courses and other internationally recognized childbirth classes which may be shorter but less comprehensive, mother, not parent oriented and typically focusing on just one technique. (See pink box below.)

Please do not choose your childbirth course based on cost or convenience. Get it right the first time with us. Ask what the cesarean rate is when considering different methods of childbirth prep and different instructors. AAHCC (American Academy of Husband Coached Childbirth) is the only organization that tracks this. 85% or more births are vaginal with no or little pain medication for labor and few interventions. Our cesarean rates are less than half the local and national averages, some areas as low as 12%. If you are checking out other classes, ask what their national and local c-section rates are.

Locally, the practice with the lowest c-section rates in our area requires childbirth classes and refers their clients to us because they have observed that our couples are the best prepared, increasing the odds for healthy outcomes and low/no intervention births.

As you learn more about natural childbirth, you may have doubts about your provider. Check what their c-section rate is and how often they do inductions and augmented labors. If they dodge your questions or cite research to justify a routine protocol that interferes with the natural birth process, they might be practicing conventional rather than evidence based medicine. Check out websites like (evidence-based birth) for up to date birth topics.

*Most community childbirth classes cater to the typical expectant woman, focusing on preparing her for a heavily managed medical and/or surgical event, not a natural life event. Some classes focus on one unusual technique for labor management, so if that doesn’t work, there is nothing else to fall back on. Few provide time for nutrition, exercise and relaxation practice and other essential strategies for a healthy pregnancy and satisfying natural birth experience. 

Bradley instructors are well-rounded, and recognize the need for a variety of alternatives, respectful of the occasional need for medical interventions for the health of the mother and/or baby. Therefore, we prepare our students for these possibilities along with preventative measures and possible alternatives, plus decision-making skills for common variations in labor and birth. With Bradley classes, you can count on being well prepared and satisfied with your choice for childbirth preparation!

A non-refundable deposit of $50 toward registration ($100 for a private series) is required to hold your spot in the class and to assure getting your materials on time. The balance is due in full at the second  class unless other arrangements have been agreed upon.

Make-up classes: There is no charge for "catch-up" of 30-60 minutes when we are available before or after a regularly scheduled session or a scheduled group make-up time. We can discuss other options if the need arises.

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PLEASE NOTE: Although we offer a couple types of discounts, this is our choice and is not a standard practice of other instructors. Contact us for details.

   1. Military, police and fire/rescue discount for those full time or in reserves (with proof): ask about our service discount.

    2. High school, tech, College & Grad students half time or full time (with proof): ask about our student discount.

    3. Alumni Discount: Available only to students who have completed a Bradley series with us. Contact us for details.

    4. Coupon discount card when you attend one of our special events (symposiums, "earlybird" foundation class) and pay for a group or private series.

    *There is a limit of one discount per couple. (Go to top of page)


1. Group Series (2 to 8 couples*): Cost: most economical*** and include official student worktext, handouts and lending library. Students may continue attending at no additional cost until birth.

*Sometimes enrollment for a group series ends up with one or two couples enrolled. If being in a larger group is important to you, please understand that we can not control due dates, or predict enrollment. We wish every practitioner recommended childbirth classes, especially Bradley classes!

Schedules are sometimes tweaked slightly depending on due dates.

Note: Catch-up or Makeup Classes See our info email for details.

2. Private Series: see our info email for details. If you request private classes, cost and and the schedule will be adjusted. 

3.  "Earlybird," refresher classes; other variations: contact us for more info.

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We accept PayPal (to, Venmo (to nancyberntsen), credit cards (via Squareup), Zelle, checks, money orders and cash. Contact us for registration and payment specifics, including a link to register and pay online if desired.

Medical Insurance/Health Savings Plans: Some medical insurance plans may cover the cost of childbirth classes. Other plans permit reimbursement via medical savings plans. Check with your employer to see if you are eligible for funding. Appropriate form with codes available upon request.

Gift Cards: Let your family and friends know that we offer “gift cards” toward tuition, available via Paypal or by snail mail (money orders or certified checks only.) Only valid for classes taught by us. Link and details available by email. If you use a baby registry, you can even ask for gift money for your classes.

Payment Plan: Ask for more information. (Go to top of page)

Although most expectant dads attend the classes as the coach, that is not always the case. If a dad is not available or willing to attend, the next best choice would be a close friend or relative who is able to to commit to the classes and your goals as well as attend your labor and birth. If you prefer to hire someone as either your primary coach or as an assistant doula, or for postpartum care,
 Nancy can provide recommendations. (Go to top of page)

Please contact us regarding your particular needs. We want you to be well-prepared for your birth and will have options for most circumstances.
(Go to top of page)


For More Info
(203) 209-0267

Area Served:

The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth standard series is designed for small classes with lots of individual attention. The standard length of the classes is 12 weeks covering 12 units of instruction. The Official Student Workbook is supplied to every couple attending classes. It is 130 pages with over 75 pictures and illustrations. A Coach Card is also included. Your local instructor in The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth is an independent affiliated instructor. Some classes are video enriched and offer a Certificate of Congratulations.

This website contains information about my classes and is not the official website of The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth. The views contained on this website do not necessarily reflect those of The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth or the American Academy of Husband-Coached Childbirth™.

This icon indicates that this teacher attended one of our Advanced Seminars and has up-to-date information and additional training.

For the protection of the public, the terms, “The Bradley Method” and “American Academy of Husband-Coached Childbirth” are Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Only those teachers currently affiliated with the Academy may teach The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth.

To contact The Bradley Method® of Natural Childbirth, please go to